Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missions are a vital part of Oakdale Covenant Church. The late Rev. Melvin Dillard Sr. was a staunch advocate of world and local missions, making sure that Oakdale was always involved in both. Rev. Dillard and his wife Vergie were called to serve as missionaries in the country what was then known as Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo. They were forced to flee when civil war broke out. Their legacy was carried on by the youth of Oakdale, who yearly trekked to South Africa to run a YMCA camp for children. More recently Sharon Davis has served as a missionary in Cameroon. She helped build and support schools , She helped women to become independent by converting palm tree oil for various uses so that it may be sold. She also helped to bring fresh water to several communities. Sharon still supports several efforts in Cameroon from her home in Mississippi.